Beauty salon and talks of beauty

Beauty salon and talks of beauty

I want to dedicate this article to beauty and the meccas that remind us of its power - beauty salons. First of all, you should know - you are beautiful. You might point a finger to me, frown and tell me you do not like your belly or the imperfect skin tone. But maybe you are one of those confident women that hear it all the time and read countless comments full of worship and adoration in the comments section of your social media pictures - maybe you wish someone saw more than just a beautiful body...

Maybe you have heard that beauty is the essence of a woman's being. And deep down you know that - you want to be beautiful. And it is not only that you desire that - you need to be beautiful.

Beauty salon is a place that knows that... And that is good. Because they do their jobs to make this world a better place. Beauty has a healing effect on our hearts - just think of an ocean, beautiful paradise-like islands, palm trees - just the thought of this landscape brings peace and you feel re-energized. Others prefer northern mountains covered with snow. The same as in nature, also women are beautiful each in a different way. Does the beauty of Norvegian cliffs takes away something from the beauty of the Paradise valley of Morocco? You know it does not - those are two completely different environments, each unique. And the same are women.

Beauty soothes a broken heart. And if you accept yourself and learn to love yourself - that will soothe your heart as well. If you are a hot desert of Sahara, why should you become the icy shore of the Northern ocean? What if the love of your life simply turned out to be you yourself? You just have to learn to embrace your beauty. And who told you that a desert should always bloom? It already hides its secret oasis...

The beauty and the way we experience pleasure

Our physical appearance has great power over us - the way we look is deeply connected with our self-esteem. When we feel beautiful, we become more confident, our insecurities fall away, we even become more daring, self-assured and courageous, which in turn makes us look even better. And it might not be so surprising that studies have shown that feeling good about your body improves your sex life. It is hard to build a stable and healthy relationship when you feel unattractive or insecure.

Sex therapist Ian Kerner puts it this way: "How would it feel to have a person you care about touching you and looking at you when the thought of your own body makes you uncomfortable? Would you pay attention to the sensations in your body and your partner's - or would you pay attention to all the things you feel compelled to hide? And does that activate the sexual accelerator, or does it hit the brake? Now imagine having sex when you feel tremendously confident and beautiful. Imagine a person you care about touching your skin with their hands and their gaze, when you love every inch of yourself and can feel your partner appreciating how gorgeous you are".

Beauty salon - a place that gives back your pleasure

A beauty salon is a place that helps us to preserve this feeling of beauty and confidence. And that improves all aspects of our life - starting from our bedroom to the way we walk in the office. Self-criticism is very closely related to depression. If you find yourself unattractive or even ugly - will this sensation help you to demonstrate you attractive and confident to the opposite sex? 

We should know that all types of body are beautiful. Who has set the standards of beauty? Besides, the standards change... Women of all sizes and colour can find a way to highlight their beauty. Just a little bit of make-up, maybe just eyebrow dyeing and the woman looking back at you in the mirror will look more stunning. The important thing is to take care of ourselves. We can fix our hair, paint our nails, have a good and relaxing massage... If we have wrinkles, we can either accept them or use an injection to make them go away... Whatever goes for you.

Every woman has her own preferences and needs. You just have to figure out what makes you feel more beautiful. Therefore, I want to invite you to find some minutes to reflect on that - take a notebook and write down a few aspects that have worked good previously for you to feel more desirable and beautiful. This is a powerful exercise that can help you understand yourself better

Maybe those were the red nails you got in the manicure that made you feel somehow more like a woman? Or maybe it is the pedicure that makes your feet seem cute in the high-heels and therefore you feel more attractive? Is it that dress you put on? The make-up? The hairstyle? Maybe it is when you follow a routine prescribed by a dermatologist as you see how your skin slowly improves? Is it a massage? Maybe those are artificial eyebrows that make your face light up? Or just the lipstick that makes your lips appear tempting?

Now that you have concluded what are the things that make you feel more beautiful, think about how could you possibly incorporate those aspects in your daily life more often. If you like to have make-up, beauty salon can offer permanent make-up, not only to your eyebrows but also to your cheeks and lips. If you associate beauty with less fat - a beauty salon can offer lymphatic drainage. But maybe you feel beautiful without wrinkles - that is when you simply have to get an injection... Maybe it is a cleansing face mask that gives your skin a refreshed and clean look? No matter which of these answers or any other answer was right for you, now you know what you need to do. Just let yourself have the luxury of having or doing what makes you feel more beautiful. And that might also mean getting back your sexy sex life.

The beauty salon in your mind

Not only we as women are beautiful on the inside, but we also want our mind to be appreciated as well. However, if we do not think highly of ourselves, even the best of make-up or face mask simply will not do the magic. It will do the magic on the outside, of course, but if we keep on criticizing ourselves and believing that we are not good enough, nothing will change. 

Our mind has learnt to work in the autopilot. We wash our hands after the toilet even without thinking and we brush our teeth without concentrating and mindfully brushing each teeth. And when we turn the key to open the doors of our house we are not thinking how we are going to turn the key, what will be the right angle, etc - we know it by heart. And not only everyday actions are the aspects which our brain has learnt to control without any effort, those are also our thoughts. We might have learnt throughout the years by repeating to ourselves it every day that I am not good enough, I am ugly, No one is going to love me, Something is wrong with me, I am not as beautiful as other girls, I am a loser, I am a catastrophe, I will never achieve my dreams... We have believed those lies as we always have found proves to that.

But we always find what we are looking for, don't we? For example, if now you are thinking about beauty salons and that you need to find one, suddenly you will notice on the same street you walk every day the beauty salons which previously you passed by without paying attention. Or if you start thinking about having a baby, suddenly it will seem like everyone around you is trying to get pregnant or you will spot women that are pregnant more often as usual.

Our brain finds what it focuses on. But when we talk about those actions or thoughts the brain has learnt to do or have automatically, it is simply because what it wants most is to spend as less energy as possible. If you wanted to change those behaviours or thoughts, it meant that the brain had to put in some effort and extra work. 

This means that you have to learn how to train your brain and re-learn what you have come to know throughout your life. In order to change your thoughts to I am good enough, I am beautiful, I am lovable, I am okay, I am beautiful in my own way, I am a winner, I am successful, I can achieve my dreams what you need to do is to find a reason why it is true. That is called the WHY power. Our brain needs valid proof that shows that it is truth.

You can also meditate on that and repeat it in your head many times as a mantra... Maybe previously you have heard for million times the opposite. And you have come to believe that.  Now you need to hear the truth. But you will not believe it if there are no proofs. A proof can be a situation that has shown that it is right or you can find a proof in the future. 

Why should you think that you are beautiful? Just think about the great pluses it will add to your life. You will feel more confident, happy, satisfied and have better romantic relationships. Maybe you just need to have a manicure, fix your eyebrows or consult the dermatologist or cosmetologist that will help you to highlight the beauty. Would not it be great to know that you are beautiful and to feel this way?

How to choose a beauty salon?

A beauty salon is not only a place to get your hair or nails done, but it is also a centre for the community, so choosing a good and trustworthy beauty salon should be a priority for those who want to receive high-quality treatment and feel good while doing that.

Finding a beauty salon that works for you may take a lot of effort but remember - you are about to trust your health and beauty in the hands of these aestheticians. Here are some factors to be considered while choosing an appropriate salon that fits your needs:


While choosing your beauty salon, pay attention to its location. Good salon near to your home or office will provide much more convenience and you will be able to save time as well. Beauty salon Nofrete is located in the centre of Riga, E. Melngaiļa 5, which makes it easy to reach. If you travel by car, there is a guarded parking lot available that will make your visit as pleasant and comfortable as it gets. This beauty salon is the one I choose as there are also certified doctors available such as dermatologist or trichologist. I believe that it is of utmost importance as a dermatologist can also advise which procedures would be the most suitable in the particular case.

Friendly and professional staff

I believe that a good beauty salon is the one which provides you with a wide range of professionals who are friendly and polite. It is important that the staff talks to you about your beauty requirements, listens to your wishes and gives professional advice. It helps if you can find a professional who gets to know you and gives you advice about the styles that may fit you the best. For example, salon Nofrete has 16 years of experience in cosmetology and aesthetic dermatology which ensures a professional attitude every time. However, even if the salon is newly open, it is all about attitude. Sometimes the ones who are only starting their business are the most eager to please the customer any way possible.

Good selection of treatments

Choose a salon that offers a large variety of treatments which will ensure that you get the procedures you want all in one place and it will make it easier to build a great relationship with the staff too. Beauty salon Nofrete has a wide range of offers - facial treatments, make-up, beauty injections, facial masks, dermatologist service, body treatments and massages as well as nail care and hand treatments. 


A pleasant internal atmosphere and modern interior will improve your treatment experience and make you feel more comfortable. Choose a salon that is clean and has all the necessary equipment in a proper functioning position. This equipment might include salon chairs and stools, shampoo bowls, styling chairs, hair steamers, facial and massage beds and other furniture. To me, a beauty salon is a place that refreshes not only my body but also my mind. And it is very important for me to see that it has been thought of the interior design as well.

Before you make an appointment, get to know the beauty salon, its premises and personnel. This way you will get a feeling about the facilities, have a chance to ask questions and make sure you receive high-quality treatment. Beauty salon Nofrete is located in E. Melngaiļa street 5, Rīga and it works from Monday to Friday 9:00 - 21:00 and on Saturdays 10:00 - 17:00. You can get additional information on their website or reach it by phone +371 272 92 200 or e-mail

The duality of your beauty

At the end of this article, I want to leave you with the thought of duality and how everything we know in this cosmos has two extremes. There is love and there is hatred, there is the Moon and the Sun, the masculine and the feminine, the beautiful and the ugly... Each of those aspects is the same in its nature, only it represents a different degree of it.

However, here I want to talk about balance. It is not only important to think about how beautiful you are on the inside, you have to think of your outer appearance as well and vice versa. That is the yin and yang of your beauty which makes it complete.

Now I invite you to do at least one of the things from your list that would make you feel more beautiful already today! And remember - it is sexy to think highly of yourself and to know that you are good enough!