High quality of life – pleasing home projects

High quality of life – pleasing home projects

Our homes embody our quality of life and the associated processes:

  • The accessibility of greened areas for a healthy lifestyle
  • Accessibility of public transportation and whether it is convenient to use
  • The proximity of stores, schools and other important buildings
  • The visual impact of the environment
  • Pollution levels
  • Home project compliance with one’s needs
  • Home design and layout

Pleasing home projects ensure improved quality of life and change the pace of our daily lives, making every day excellent and unlike any other. Everyone deserves to live in a place that inspires to move forward, to learn and grow; an environment that gives energy that can be in turn used to succeed in school or at work, as well as all other daily activities.


Home projects and life quality

First of all, in this article, I want to express my point of view regarding home projects on a psychological level. I believe that we all have heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. If your base needs have not been covered, it is hard to think of something higher. Why would you dedicate  your time to long dissertations on the meaning of the existence when you have no roof under your head? Maybe if you find yourself related to the philosopher named Diogenes who lived in a barrel you do not have a care in the world about anything related to the safety as it is understood by the most part of humanity.

However, for the most of us, creating our own home is something essential. Especially in Latvia - since the times of the famous writer Blaumanis - a private home has been something that is deeply praised and valued. Elsewhere in Europe, the prices of the apartments are astronomical and people choose to rent all their lives or they move from place to place. However, if you do not have a place of your own, a place where you can lay your roots - what happens if you find yourself in a bad economical situation, but you still have to pay the high rent? A person who has a house of his/her own can make a garden, can have a borehole and solar panels - it means that the owner of the house could theoretically live even without any income at all. And when your life has fallen apart, where do you run? It is not only your closest family but also a physical place - a home where you can rest and hide from the rest of the world.

Thinking about self-fulfilment, achieving one's full potential, idly reading books, going to therapists in order to understand yourself better and create more satisfying relationships is something that is reserved for the wealthy-ones. That is something you can allow yourself if your physiological and safety needs have been covered. However, if you still do not have a safe space of your own, your basic needs have not been covered, what you should focus on is the first layer of the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. 

That is why home projects is something that will never lose its meaning and value. Maybe you would disagree with me as the person can simply buy a somewhat cheap apartment and simply have the basic needs covered. However, in many cases, cheap property of real estate comes with its disadvantages: there could be poorly insulated walls and a poor ventilation system. But when your home does not feel comfortable, you are cold there and cannot have fresh air, it is endangering your physical health and the basis of your psychological well-being. 

Besides, the environment has a very strong influence on our state of mind. It is not only about people that we surround ourselves with but also the landscape that we see every day or the walls that we live in. It has been proved that our brain needs qualitative environment stimulus in order to develop and function in the best way. Therefore, home projects not only provide us with safety, drinking water and warmth but can help us improve the quality of the rest of the layers of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

It is also closely associated with the prestige and esteem. A home of our own gives us a sense of accomplishment. It also helps to provide the children with a safe psychological space. Not only children need to know that their parents are always there for them, but they also need a safe physical space where they can return to.  It gives a sense of belonging. 

And if we talk about the highest of layers which is related to the creative potential, good home projects can help you even increase your creativity. If the design of the house is boring, grey and the same as everyone else's, if it reminds a boring office - how could your mind fly to more beautiful places? Your mind can reflect the stimulus of the environment. I believe that many have noted the spark of inspiration and the sense of feeling good after a good walk in the park. Beauty inspires us. What if your home could be turned into your creative boudoir?

What are home projects designed for?

Home projects are designed for:

  • public buildings
  • apartment buildings
  • industrial and engineering buildings

Any project has to meet the following requirements:

  • its function
  • comfort
  • aesthetics

That means that also te boring grey offices can be turned from a place to simply win our daily bread to houses that arise our creative potential. The creativity of the employees can simply be increased by providing them with a breathtaking view. If that is not possible, there could be at least paintings of great artists hung on the walls or an indoor garden created. Even just a vase of roses could be refreshing to the tired minds.

Services of professional architects

Experienced architects use their knowledge and skill to create home projects that will keep giving the best results long after being built. Careful planning requires a high degree of professionalism, especially when aiming to please future residents.

The architect and his team have a high degree of responsibility when drafting a project, for it is their medium to reveal their unique signature style that will stand out in people’s memories.

A memorable project requires much more than just an idea from the client and the technical drawing from the architect; in order to create an excellent project, a certain level of trust and understanding needs to be reached between the client and the expert, aspiring to find only the best solutions for all desires and possibilities.

If you are thinking about your own home project, I want to encourage you to view it not only as your safe space but also as your companion to develop your creativity. Along with visible changes, also your mind will change along with your home. You can create a home that awakens peace, happiness and good vibes within you. That is the power of home projects - it influences you on your deepest levels, they have the power to impact how you feel; therefore, a home project can even change how you act. And it can mean a whole new chapter for you and a possibility to discover a better version of yourself.