How to choose the most suitable lighting conductor?

How to choose the most suitable lighting conductor?

Lightning protection is a topic that should be discussed more often especially because we live in a climate that has thunderstorms every year. The system that protects the building and living things inside it should be installed not only in private houses but also in commercial objects. Right now, people can choose either to have a lightning conductor for their house or not. The only specific objects like schools, hospitals, sports halls etc. are required to have high-level lightning protection.

When choosing the lightning protection solutions, you cannot put an equality sign between quality and economy. The economy will affect the quality of materials, and it, in turn, will change the degree of product security. Aure-1 clients appreciate their values – high security and accuracy requirements. They are also chosen by those clients who value beneficial long-term solutions.

One of the most important steps in finding the best lighting protection system is choosing the most suitable lightning conductor. Aure-1 offers two types of conductor systems – simple or passive and active lightning protection.

Passive lightning protection

This system includes a metal wire mesh and special rods that perceive the lightning. This part is installed on the roof of the building. Lightning conductors are placed around the facade of the building, so they can conduct the lightning directly to the lightning circuit. This circuit is usually buried in the ground near the building.

The passive lightning protection system will suit the best for small buildings, towers, lighthouses etc. It is not recommended to be installed on a very large building because of the rods.

Active lightning protection

Because of the disadvantages of passive protection, nowadays other alternatives are demanded. One of the most popular systems is active lightning protection. It provides strong protection in the circular diapason (more than 100 meters).

This system is easy to install on any house or object; moreover, it is an efficient and economical solution which serves for many years. Active lightning protection systems catch the lightning before it reaches the ground and discharges. It is also a very safe and practical solution for large buildings.

Is there a natural lightning conductor?

Maybe you have heard the same as me in childhood from your grandparents that the big oak tree growing next to your house will protect you from the lightning. Even though it is true that lightning is more likely to discharge in the highest of objects, it is not guaranteed that it will happen as so. On this particular occasion, there might be other factors that could influence the discharge. 

It is also known that metal attracts lightning. If there are many metal objects in the house, the lightning could go there. And even though the oak tree attracts the lightning especially among the trees and you should not look for a shelter under this tree in stormy weather, neither you should count on it as a safe natural lightning protection method.

Lightning conductor is something that every house should have. It can literally save your life. And it will keep your house and electric goods safe. However, even if you have installed the lightning protection, there are some things which you should keep in mind: stay away from the windows and the outer walls. Do not open the windows or doors. You should even avoid the faucet of your sink as it is made of metal. Even though you are inside the house, you still might get a little bitten if you touch metal objects. Turn off all your electrical devices, do not watch TV. And even your phone should be turned off. 

I find the thunderstorm to be a magical moment in which we reconnect to the inner ancient man we have lost - the one who never knew the comforts of today's world, the one whose attention was not constantly distracted by the blue screens and pop-ups in the phone. Just watching and listening to the thunder and the rain is so calming, it brings you back to yourself and the present moment which is the most valuable thing we have.

If there is no lightning conductor, this moment can be easily spoilt by the fire. Can you imagine - a wooden barn can burn down in just a matter of seconds if the lightning hits it. That is how powerful it is. And if you do not believe that you should also know that it even can burn the sand. It is said the temperature reached during the discharge exceeds the temperature of the surface of the Sun. 

To get more information about lighting protection options, visit Aure-1 home page This is one of the leading companies in Latvia that deals with installing lightning systems. If you are not sure which type of lightning conductor is right for you, those are the guys you would ask for advice and they would give you the best one.

How awesome it is to know how to inhibit such great power as lightning? If you can pay for the lightning conductor, you are more powerful than the emperor of ancient Egypt who had to live under the mercy of lightning the same as the rest of his people. The same as people were equally helpless before this natural phenomenon thousands of years ago, today we all have equal possibilities to be protected from it. Today we can even savour a thunderstorm from the warmth of our home and not worry even a tiny little bit. That is a luxury even a king could not allow himself to have just a few centuries ago as he was trembling under the sheets of his bed...

Don't you feel blessed just by living in this day and age if you think about modern lightning conductor?